Oceanox 1.16.4 UPDATE

Oceanox 1.16.4 Update


  • Jellyfish Entity added to the ocean. Getting too close will sting you, accompanied by a new sting sound effect.
  • Rock Wall Barrier now surrounds the map, improving visuals and preventing floating water edges.
  • Fall Damage added to the player, along with a new falling sound effect.
  • Stagger Move Attack – A successful jump attack now has a 30% chance to stagger the golem, preventing it from attacking for 1 second.
  • Weak Spot Move Attack – Attacking above the golem’s chest now deals 2x damage.


  • Dev Info Button: Changed from 'B' to 'F3' to toggle on, and from 'N' to 'F4' to toggle off.
  • Water Reflectivity Removed to improve performance and reduce unnecessary visual effects.
  • Crafting Button Removed, as building was removed in the last update.
  • Increased Damage Power Against Golems for better balance. Added a critical hit chance for extra damage. Killing a golem now restores 25% health.
  • World Generation now only happens after you click to make or load a world, not before.
  • Null Checks Added for Models – To prevent errors, null checks have been added for models before accessing their textures to ensure that null pointer exceptions are avoided.
  • Improved Water Blending – The water shader now smoothly blends with the terrain, removing harsh edges and making the transition more natural. Water depth also fades gradually from a dark murky blue to an almost black deep color.
  • Improved Underwater – Reduces brightness for realism to add murky effect.


  • Optimized CPU load, reducing unnecessary resource usage and improving overall performance.
  • Preloaded terrain textures synchronously to reduce lag during texture loading, ensuring textures are loaded before terrain is created.
  • Disabled Fullscreen, set FPS to unlimited.


  • Fixed visual glitches related to water rendering and texture loading.
  • Addressed minor collision issues around the map’s edges.
  • Fixed a critical menu issue where pressing ESCAPE in the main menu before loading the game would prevent access to in-game menus. Now, pressing ESCAPE in the main menu properly closes the game.
  • Fixed rock golems dealing damage while in menus.
  • Fixed rock golems spawning underwater or going into the water.
  • Fixed Water disappearing when underwater.
  • Optimized texture management – Models and textures are now cached instead of being loaded every frame, reducing stuttering and improving FPS.
  • PNG textures are pre-decoded to avoid slowdown during gameplay.
  • Texture loading moved to a separate thread, preventing frame drops.

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